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Új cikkünk a Microorganisms szaklapban
Cégünk munkatársainak közreműködésével és koordinálásával egy átfogó tudományos tanulmány (review ) jelent meg a rangos Microorganisms lapban. A...
J Molnar, B Magyar, G Schneider, K Laczi, SK Valappil, AL Kovacs, IK Nagy, G Rakhely and T Kovacs: Identification of a Novel Archaea Virus, Detected in Hydrocarbon Polluted Hungarian and Canadian Samples. PLOS One
T Kovacs, G Schneider, I K Nagy, S L Ravasz, G Rakhely, K Kovacs and D Bali: First Report of Erwinia rhapontici Causing Bacterial Rot on Peach, Detected in Hungary. Plant Disease
J Kovacs, A Cox, G Maroti, T Kovacs, H Fenyvesi, L Emody, G Schneider, B Schweitzer: Virulence traits of inpatient Campylobacter jejuni isolates, and a transcriptomic approach to identify potential genes maintaining intracellular survival. Microorganisms
M Horváth, T Kovács, SK Valappil, H Ábrahám, G Rákhely and G Schneider: Identification of a newly isolated lytic bacteriophage against K24 capsular type, carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates. Scientific Reports
A Bodor, N Bounedjoum, GE Vincze, KA Erdeine, K Laczi, G Bende, A Szilagyi, T Kovacs, K Perei, G Rakhely: Challenges of unculturable bacteria: environmental perspectives. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio-Technology
D Tekielska, E Penazova, T Kovács, B Krizan, J Cechova, A Eichmeier: Bacterial contamination of plant in vitro cultures in commercial production detected by high-throughput amplicon sequencing. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
T Kovács, J Molnár, I Varga, IK Nagy, SK Valappil, S Papp, CM Vera Cruz, R Oliva, T Vizi, G Schneider, G Rákhely: Complete Genome Sequences of 10 Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae bacteriophages. Microbiology Resource Announcements
J Kovács, P Felső, G Horváth, J Schmidt, Á Dorn, L Mark, L Emody, T Kovacs, A Cox, H Abraham, G Schneider: Stress response of virulence potential modulating effect of peppermint essential oil in Campylobacter jejuni. BioMed Research International
G Schneider, N Szentes, M Horváth, Á Dorn, A Cox, G Nagy, Z Doffkay, G Maróti, G Rákhely, T Kovács: Kinetics of Targeted Phage Rescue in a Mouse Model of Systemic Escherichia coli K1. BioMed Research International
S Melegh, A Nyúl, K Kovács, T Kovács, Á Ghidán, Z Dombrádi, J Szabó, B Berta, V Lesinszki, J Pászti, Á Tóth, G Mestyán: Dissemination of VanA-type Enterococcus faecium isolates in Hungary. Microbial Drug Resistance
C Stork, B Kovács, B Rozsai, J Putze, M Kiel, A Dorn, J Kovacs, S Melegh, A Leimbach, T Kovacs, G Schneider, M Kerenyi, L Emödy, U Dobrindt: Characterization of asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli isolates in search of alternative strains for efficient bacterial interference against uropathogens. Frontiers in Microbiology
C Stork, B Kovács, E Trost, T Kovács, G Schneider, B Rozsai, M Kerenyi, L Emödy, U Dobrindt: Whole-Genome Draft Sequences of Nine Asymptomatic Escherichia coli Bacteriuria Isolates from Diabetic Patients. Genome Announcements
Á Erdeiné Kis, K Laczi, S Zsíros, PB Kós, R Tengölics, N Bounedjoum, T Kovács, G Rákhely, K Perei: Characterization of the Rhodococcus sp. MK1 strain and its pilot application for bioremediation of diesel oil-contaminated soil. Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica
T Kovács, K Lootz, Á Dorn, J Andrieu, A Mátyás, G Schneider: Potential of small-scale jar systems to extend the shelf life of raw meats, and hinder the proliferation of Campylobacter jejuni and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. LWT-Food Science and Technology
M Baranek, J Cechova, T Kovács, A Eichmeier, S Wang, J Raddova, T Necas, X Ye: Use of combioned MSAP and NGS techniques to identify differentially methylated regions in somaclones: A case study of two stable somatic wheat mutants. PLOS One
L Kőrösi, M Prato, A Scarpellini, J Kovács, D Dömötör, T Kovács, S Papp: H2O2-assisted photocatalysis on flower-like rutile TiO2 nanostructures: Rapid dye degradation and inactivation of bacteria. Applied Surface Science
L Kőrösi, M Rodio, D Dömötör, T Kovács, S Papp, A Diaspro, R Intartaglia, S Beke: Ultrasmall, ligandfree Ag nanoparticles with high antibacterial activity prepared by pulsed laser ablation in liquid. J. of Chemistry
D Dömötör, T Frank, G Rákhely, Z Doffkay, G Schneider, T. Kovács: Comparative analysis of two bacteriophages of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis. Infections, Genetics and Evolution
G Schneider, T Kovács, G Rákhely, M Czeller: Biosensoric potential of microbial fuel cells. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology